
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What A "Surprise"

Touchstone is done! Finally some time to update my blog. Another post to end November =)

As I have mentioned in my previous blog post, the 21st birthday of mine was really a memorable one. Not just the celebration part but also the 'treasure hunt' specially planned by my lovely housemates. The present was really a 'SURPRISE' for me.

On the 31st, they sneaked into my room,
pasted all the sweet wishes on the walls
when I was taking my shower in the
bathroom =)

After the dinner, they made me start the hunt and pasted
sticky notes all over the corridor to my room to facilitate
my treasure hunt. They told me it's in the kitchen, i went searching
everywhere in the kitchen. Then suddenly they said, it might
be in the store and again I went searching every corners in
the store room. But still, I couldn't find it anywhere! Not
anywhere in the house. Being me, of course give up la. Sleep
and try again tomorrow =p

A week passed and the present was still no where to be found. Until.......................... something surprising happened. There was this one night. When I should be studying for my Touchstone exam but unfortunately, no. I was basically on facebook and out pop this inbox message from our blur egg. It was a thread message and I thought it was something important. Happily opened it and guess what I found. A message from her to the others regarding my present. Apparently the present just arrived that night itself!!!! Now you all know what's with the treasure hunt >.<

This was suppose to be part of the treasure hunt
that they planned to continue that night.
Too bad, plan was doomed =p

Baby bear and Wooly wearing my present <3

The surprise!

Time for some punishment for the blur one =(

Thank you so much for the effort and present from all of you.

To the blur egg, don't feel guilty anymore. It's nothing, really. It doesn't matter if it's a surprise or not. It's the heart that matters. And I really find it funny whenever I think of your face, that innocent guilty face when I found you in hiding at the corner in Jacky's room. Lol.

Sorry again for the short post. Simply dead tired and am still recovering from the sore throat and fever. Gosh! I rather have diarrhoea and vomit than to have these =s

Gotta hit the sack early tonight!

Night peeps XOXO


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