My cozy room with a shelf full of my face and hair products.
Bottom lever for ma books which is still on their way here
from Malaysia. Probably in the middle of the sea now ~.~
My big wardrobe. Poor girl has to do her own laundry now.
And dry the clothes in my own room due to the crazy weather
outside. Its good in a way that the heater would suck water from
those wet clothes rather from my soft smooth skin =p
Yup, its my study table there and kinda still in the mess when
i took this pic. Blame the shopping. =p But it's tidy now.
View outside my window. The backyard suitable for gardening.
But I'll rather garden in my own room than to freeze myself outside.
Random but i like. My new house slippers which is so warm and
comfy <3 <3
The house is not complete without filling in the fridge and kitchen cupboards. Hence, Sainsbury and Argos is the right place to go.
£60 worth of groceries. Cheap??? Learn the art of not
converting and u'll enjoy shopping for groceries like me.
*not just for groceries of coz =p*
Wonder how we carry those stuffs back? Lucky us to have free
car ride that day =)
P/s: Miss my family and friends back in Msia. And him too =( Gosh, i miss the weather too!!!!!
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